The Focus Fusion Society Forums Innovative Confinement Concepts (ICC) and others Workshop on Innovation in Fusion Science (ICC2011)

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    Is anybody attending the “Workshop on Innovation in Fusion Science (ICC2011) and US-Japan Workshop on Compact Torus Plasma” in Seattle this week

    The program is at:

    I noticed among the talks there are ones from General Fusion and Tri-Alpha:
    Michel G Laberge, Progress at General Fusion
    Hiroshi Gota, Tri-Alpha, A Well-Confined Field-Reversed Configuration Plasma Formed by Dynamic Merging of Two Colliding Compact Toroids in C-2


    Alas, no. We posted about it back in June. I wanted to go, and indeed, set up the film contest around the idea of going to Seattle. Alas, we didn’t raise the money for myself to attend on behalf of FFS. Also, we didn’t get enough film submissions, so we’ll be extending that deadline to coincide with some other event. If we had the resources, I’d be there in a nanosecond.

    The LPP folks also didn’t plan to go. They allocated their conference budget for a few other conferences.


    But we did have some interesting conversations with the organizers. One thing they’re talking about is changing the name. “Innovative Confinement Concepts” seems confining : ). Some ideas being kicked around:

    Innovations in Fusion Science… Alternate Fusion Pathways…

    Also, they will be having some sort of “town hall” to discuss the funding and support problem for alternatives.

    And, of course, the latest science.

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