The Focus Fusion Society Forums Plasma Cosmology and BBNH Where does the information come from?

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  • #465

    Once upon a time, 20 billions of years ago, all matter
    (all elementary particles and all quarks and
    their girlfriends- antiparticles and antiquarks,
    all kinds of waves: electromagnetic, gravitational,


    Max Planck. “Scientific Autobiography”.
    I have reread the Planck


    Do physicists understand physics?

    All the sources of physics are created on abstract ideas:
    inertial motion, inertial reference system, ideal gas,
    absolute black body,
    negative four-dimensional ( Minkowski) space,


    Do mathematicians understand Physics?
    Mathematics is not written for mathematicians.
    Mathematics is written for physics, for Nature.
    This simple fact has been forgotten in science.
    After the war, in Russia, there were many thieving
    gangs and I , as a boy, rotated among one of them.
    They had their own language, thieves


    The last posting by ‘Israel’ is very insightful and I would like to help him along this productive line of thinking.

    He is beginning to see that the mathematical viewpoint has hijacked, sabotaged and ultimately negated physical understanding. While Eric Lerner has of course made major strides against this mathematical domination, mathematics still rules physics – and it does so through Einstein and special relativity (SR).

    SR leads to logical paradoxes when applied to any physical situation. Hence SR is worse than useless for scientific investigation and guarantees that such research will never have practical application. That this might appear not to be so is only because of the confusion of SR with other discoveries, SR parasitizing these as supposed discoveries of its own.

    The classic example would be the deflection of electrons etc. in cathode ray tubes, with the discovery of so-called ‘electromagnetic mass’. Einstein used this phenomenon to justify SR – claiming by analogy with ‘electromagnetic mass’ that mass is infinite at the speed of light. This relies on the confusion between ‘electromagnetic mass’ and the actual rest mass of an object, including the non-electromagnetic phenomenon of momentum (mass x velocity). These phenomena are entirely different but the naive reader’s confusion between the two (electromagnetic mass versus rest mass/momentum) allows for an unwarranted belief that “mass is infinite at the speed of light.” Einstein wishes us to believe that ordinary mass is like electromagnetic mass in a cyclotron or beam accelerator and that if we travel into deep space some mysterious non-electromagnetic force will retard our motion to being always less than the speed of light – this speed presumably in reference to the solar system, Milky Way or nearby galaxies. Or more precisely, what is the reference frame here?

    Rather we must ask “what does it mean to speak of the speed of light when there is no clear reference frame i.e. there is galactic recession throughout the observable universe?” Israel has to consider two answers to this question. Is there a universal ‘absolute reference frame’ for motion, which the Soviet physicist Vladimir Fok asserted – in Australia we call such advocates “Fokwits.” Or does the phrase “nothing can travel faster then light” really mean something solipsistic i.e. “nothing can travel faster than light relative to me, the single observer.” The Einstein view is actually the latter and is properly a solipsistic philosophy and marks rather the abandonment of science than a basis for further research. This is also clear in Einstein’s popular work on relativity where, to justify the mathematics, he imagines two investigators in mutual motion each noticing the (Fitzgerald) contraction of the other’s vehicle – the contractions being equal in each case. What is dealt with only mathematically is the time dilation paradox. B’s time is slower than A’s time for observer A. A’s time is slower than B’s time for observer B. This paradoxical outcome is not resolvable afterwards by any objective measure – unless one redefines ‘objective’ as meaning the dogmatic decision of a group of believers. That is, we cannot say objectively whose time has passed more slowly, A or B.

    Einstein’s writings never deal with the paradox issues fairly and honestly. Rather he ‘justified’ the ‘apparent(?)’ paradoxes by continuing on with still more speculation, finally becoming stuck on the Unified Field Theory, a labyrinth of nonsense so beloved by mathematical ‘physicists’ today.

    Yours sincerely

    Mark Lofts

    P.S: I had to re-edit this on 21/8 because I wrongly wrote there that momentum was mass times velocity SQUARED. (Always this problem with a missing two in an equation!)


    Thank you for interesting comment.
    Israel has to consider two answers to this question.
    Is there a universal ‘absolute reference frame’ for motion,
    which the Soviet physicist Vladimir Fok asserted –
    in Australia we call such advocates “Fokwits.”
    ============ =================
    Or does the phrase
    “nothing can travel faster then light” really mean something solipsistic
    i.e. “nothing can travel faster than light relative to me, the single observer.”

    What is the first law of Universe ?
    The Physics is first of all Vacuum.
    Vacuum is :T=0K / absolute reference frame /
    It is the “empty” space between milliards of billions Galaxies.
    * * *
    Once upon a time, 20 billions of years ago, all matter
    (all elementary particles and all quarks and
    their girlfriends- antiparticles and antiquarks,
    all kinds of waves: electromagnetic, gravitational,


    What is the second law of Universe ?

    To answer of this question we must ask:
    ” What geometrical and physical parameters
    have the particles in Vacuum T=0K? “
    The Quantum physics approves, that in the beginning
    Vacuum created a ” virtual particle “.
    What is the “virtual particle “?
    Thermodynamics point.
    Let us take some area of Vacuum and mark it with letter R.
    The number of particles in this area of Vacuum
    we will to mark with letter N.
    When every particle of this area has gravity/ mass of rest: R/N= k.
    Quantum (SRT) point.
    Classic physics asserts, that in a Vacuum ?=0? cease any motion
    of particles, and the energy of Vacuum is equal zero.
    The quantum physics asserts, that in a Vacuum ?=0? there are
    motion of particles, and the energy of Vacuum is not zero.
    Let us take some energy area of Vacuum and mark it with letter E.
    The mass of this energy area of Vacuum we will to mark with letter M.
    When every particle of this area has energy/mass of rest: E/M= c^2,
    ( E=Mc^2, M=Ec^2.)
    Geometry and Physics.
    In 1787, French physicist Jack Charles found out that at
    a decrease of gas temperature to 1 ?, its volume decreases
    to 1/273 :


    Hello isreal,
    I’m curious to know how you will take this bouquet of formulas and paint the picture of creating the Existence. How do you answer your original question: How does zero information further arrive to a very high informational level? Perhaps you explained it, but I am not very smart. Please explain again in simple terms that I can understand. Thank you.


    AaronB wrote: Hello isreal,
    I’m curious to know how you will take this bouquet of formulas and paint the picture of creating the Existence. How do you answer your original question: How does zero information further arrive to a very high informational level? Perhaps you explained it, but I am not very smart. Please explain again in simple terms that I can understand. Thank you.

    I will try.
    For example:
    A child has A information.
    During his life this information grew to B.
    The B information is higher than A infopmation.
    The same way the electron goes.
    ========== ================

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