The Focus Fusion Society Forums Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) Science and Applications urgent, cohesive [global] research means best chance of surviving global warming/climate change

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    Although one may accept that patience is a virtue and progression, with a steady resolve, will occur in incremental steps, the relentless and accelerating onslaught of global warming and climate change and the pathetic measures implimented to arrest it [thru elimination of combustion as a process for energy] means that time for bold action is vanishing fast.

    Perhaps, the FFS, with its dedicated and skilled membership, prepared to share in a transparent way, ideas and experimental progress in the various avenues of DPF research, can create a far more rapid progression in technology by deligating certain aspects of a concept to individual teams for experimentation with their laboratory equipment. Further if a new piece of apparatus is required perhaps all the sponsers [of the teams participating in the project] could establish a simple formula for contributing to the cost.

    On the assumption that there is an enthusiasm and mutual confidence for such a joint project to be tabled, defined and to be eventually initiated with very specific terms of reference, scope of work and bill of materials applicable to each team’s project component, a contract could be implimented that would [a] commit to an agreed project schedule [by all parties] and commit to a project budget identifying staff costs and required material purchases [for each team]. A project manager would chair progress meetings and coordinate on a daily basis as necessary.

    The project envisioned would be that identified in the Varney Protocol document but given a title that the sponsors would find mutually acceptable.

    John Varney


    JVarney wrote: Although one may accept that patience is a virtue and progression, with a steady resolve, will occur in incremental steps, the relentless and accelerating onslaught of global warming and climate change and the pathetic measures implimented to arrest it [thru elimination of combustion as a process for energy] means that time for bold action is vanishing fast.

    Perhaps, the FFS, with its dedicated and skilled membership, prepared to share in a transparent way, ideas and experimental progress in the various avenues of DPF research, can create a far more rapid progression in technology by deligating certain aspects of a concept to individual teams for experimentation with their laboratory equipment. Further if a new piece of apparatus is required perhaps all the sponsers [of the teams participating in the project] could establish a simple formula for contributing to the cost.

    On the assumption that there is an enthusiasm and mutual confidence for such a joint project to be tabled, defined and to be eventually initiated with very specific terms of reference, scope of work and bill of materials applicable to each team’s project component, a contract could be implemented that would [a] commit to an agreed project schedule [by all parties] and commit to a project budget identifying staff costs and required material purchases [for each team]. A project manager would chair progress meetings and coordinate on a daily basis as necessary.

    if you have ever initiated a science experiment of your own you might understand how intimate every detail can affect the outcome of what you are trying to achieve. when on a tight budget any mistakes can halt the project and create delays. eric and his team have a good handle and communication about every aspect. having several teams attempting to invent different wheels for the same cart usually ends up having the project going in circles without success.
    DPF has been studied for a number of years and some data is available. what lpp is doing is to take it one to two steps further. I appericiate your eagerness for such a technology to become available in the near future and with that I am on your side. however I don’t believe that this is a large corporate entity that has a need for daily progress meetings, chair-people, corporate bureaucracy or a set in stone time-line. as problems are found they are coming up with inventive ways of mitigating them. if you are not directly involved it is difficult at best to help determine a suitable remedy, try telling your wife how to put a distributor cap back on your car while you are at the office and she is on the side of the freeway.
    In the process of any science discovery and understanding take time, and when building a device essentially from scratch the process is stretched out further. once the details are known about how much ,how fast, how far ,how hard, how hot, and what influences what, other sciences and engineering will be introduced to determine shapes, materials , assemblies, abilities.
    LPP is doing a wonderful job with the resources they have at their avail. IMHO
    If you are wanting the progress to accelerate might i suggest a large donation?


    I propose we move this matter to a committee, to study the question of whether a bureaucracy can possibly have the agility required to take action on the issue: of whether climate change/ global warming is off topic for this forum.



    Sharing data is great as long as it is reliable. While FFS does not have influence on LPP policies, I think LPP itself would appreciate any collaboration or budget increases.

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