The Focus Fusion Society Forums Education Our First Mobile App

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  • #945

    Smartphone users (not me, at least quite yet), could you please test this app and let me know how it looks on the iPhone, Droid, Blackberry, Symbian, etc?

    There’s also an option to view on web, although that’s just for content revision suggestions. Once we get this part of the process figured out to make it second nature to download and open, I have an app that can churn these out in less than an hour.

    We get 4 pages per app, but those pages can scroll down a very long way and can include polls, forms, maps, images, and all sorts of really groovy ways to present FF(S) on the small screen.

    I can also promote these, untargeted, to the entire world for a penny per click. Assuming a lousy .1% click through ratio, that’s 1,000 impressions per penny(!)

    What think?


    Nervous to try. What is this app supposed to do? A line or two describing it would be useful. Thanks!


    I’ve played with it, and to be honest it is rather clunky to install, and doesn’t give the user much feedback as to what it is prior to installation. If I didn’t know if came from someone trustworthy on these boards, I wouldn’t have gone through with the install process (even though it is just a web app).


    Rezwan wrote: Nervous to try. What is this app supposed to do? A line or two describing it would be useful. Thanks!

    App now has 2 contexts- the original applet, and the newer mobile phone-oriented alternative which can work like a website, PDF file (this app is a quick overview of FF’s aspirations and boilerplate).

    I agree with the clunkyness and other hassles of the download process. This program seems to make a better outliner than it does a communication media. Thanx for the feedback.

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