The Focus Fusion Society Forums Official Announcements NYC Meeting in Two Weeks

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  • #736

    Help us plan our next NYC meeting. We need a venue. More about that here.

    Planning the 2nd Meeting
    Volunteer a Venue!

    The 2nd NYC Focus Fusion Society meeting needs to take place in a venue that is more conducive to brainstorming. The training room at the Nonprofit Support Center is an ideal venue for such a meeting. As you see from the link, it’s located a few blocks from NY Penn Station, is available at night for $125, and has several island tables so that we can split up into groups and reconvene. Also – it has plenty of white boards for writing on the walls, internet access, bathrooms, basic coffee/tea capability and nice views.
    This room is currently available on the 15th and 16th of February (Monday or Tuesday). We need to book it ASAP – but I’d like to hear from anyone out there if you can get us into an alternative meeting space for free. Perhaps through your community group, church or university. $125 saved is like $125 donated.
    Meeting Agenda

    The Second NYC Focus Fusion Society Meeting is designed to be fun, yet effective and functional. In this meeting, we will brainstorm the following topics (Don’t be overwhelmed. This is a meta brainstorm about what we can brainstorm about. No penalty if we don’t get to cover it all.):

    * Nonprofit Organization – How do we build an effective, pioneering nonprofit with the unique goal that we have?
    * Strategy – What strategies should we adopt?
    * Fundraising – How do we raise some serious funds? I hear someone wants to put on an opera for fusion.
    * Volunteers and Members – How do we increase genuine membership? How do we best deploy and coordinate the activities of members?
    * FFS Website – How do we develop the FFS website to support socio-economic-fundraising for research goals?
    * DPF Website – How do we develop the DPF website to support researchers communication and data needs?
    * Educational and Documentary projects – How do we assemble and organize the skills and expertise to develop quality educational materials and documentaries?
    * Other Projects – How do we divide our goals into projects (Advocacy, Building Awareness, Collaboration…oh my! What else?)
    * Podcasting – we need to start one. If you have the equipment to host one – bring it and we’ll have our first strategy meeting podcast-ified.
    * Add your own item.

    The objective of this meeting is to get all our ideas out on the table (brainSTORM!).

    If we have time, we’d also like to begin matching ideas with specific champions (e.g. people) and resources – or see what we need in terms of people, funds and resources to make the various components happen.
    First Step

    For now, let’s take it one step at a time.

    1. Someone – Perhaps YOU! – will get back to me on an alternative venue.
    2. I’ll book that venue (or the one above) and announce the date/time/place.
    3. Enthusiastic members will RSVP!
    4. We’ll all show up and have a great time brainstorming!



    I wish I could be there…. at least virtually?

    Phil’s Dad

    As per Breakable. Is there anyway to make this interactive on-line?
    Or maybe, as a poor second, we could forward ideas that are presented to those at the meeting for discussion?


    It’s possible. I’m tinkering with using an iphone to webstream. There’s also something called webex for desktop + conference call applications.

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