The Focus Fusion Society Forums Reframing fusion, managing expectations Hotter Than Hell Private Fusion Research Team May Be Onto Something…

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    How hot is a billion degrees? Enough to produce clean energy without radioactive fuels, wastes, or weapons potential, for openers. Imagine hyper-local power plants that can power around 400 homes for less than a million dollars installed, and you get the idea of how a small, privately-funded East Coast research lab is attempting to change the world…

    Extremely High Voltage Private Fusion Research Team May Be Onto Something…

    The leading edge of this decade’s electrical engineering may revolve around harnessing the 8.7 million electron-volt potential of aneutronic fusion. Eliminating the Carnot losses of steam generating stations is the focus of several groups investigating aneutronic fusion- fusing hydrogen and boron atoms to produce helium and nearly unimaginably high voltages to convert into practical voltage and current levels. Aneutronic fusion’s byproduct is ordinary helium, which is used in party balloons and industrial leak testing.

    Fusion by itself seems to be an over-used marketing term which fails to ignite the average person’s imagination and lead him or her, salivating, into our world- and back out into their new world of possibilities. These news story ideas should do that without promising immediate success. What think?

    Brian H

    Not tea bags! Maybe slip in something about the short time frame: “Instead of being ’50 years in the future, forever’, this could hit the market running in 5-7 years.”


    Brian H wrote: Not tea bags! Maybe slip in something about the short time frame: “Instead of being ’50 years in the future, forever’, this could hit the market running in 5-7 years.”

    2 key reasons in my mind for not mentioning a timeframe- scientific, and audience. This type of news/marketing story plays in the readers’ comfy dream theaters. These are the indirect buyers who will prove to energy companies that a paying market can be developed. A follow-on story for later in the year could talk about potential timelines relative to LPPX’x pB-11 shots.

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