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    Folks, check out the new initiative by Original signers: Eric Lerner, LPPhysics, NJ; Dr. Hamid Yousefi, I.A. University-Tehran; Dr. Morteza Habibi, Amirkabir U., Tehran (also at ) and sign the petition, which says:

    We hereby call on the governments of the US & Iran to step back from military action and instead start a “Fusion for Peace” initiative. This “Fusion for Peace” scientific and engineering collaboration could, if successful, make uranium enrichment obsolete, block proliferation everywhere, liberate the world from oil, and open up a new source of cheap, clean unlimited energy. In the past three years, Iran has become a major player in the small but growing global effort to achieve aneutronic fusion power, that is, controlled nuclear fusion using fuels that produce no neutrons. Controlled fusion harnesses the power that heats the sun — nuclear fusion — as a source of energy for peaceful purposes. The latest research in the US, meanwhile, indicates that with proper support getting clean fusion energy to the grid could be accelerated to within as few as five years instead of decades.

    In light of these new scientific developments, and of the real threat of war between the U.S. and Iran, we are proposing the establishment of a joint US-Iran Aneutronic Fusion Program to accelerate this research and pool the resources of the various aneutronic fusion research projects. The program would aim to rapidly establish two Aneutronic Fusion Centers — one in the U.S. and one in Iran — staffed by scientists and engineers from both countries. As the project grows, other countries not now involved in aneutronic work can join in.

    The establishment of the project can itself ease tensions. If it succeeds, in a few years, all uranium enrichment for energy production would be obsolete and could be shut down — not just in Iran, but everywhere. This would be a giant step towards ending nuclear proliferation worldwide. And as aneutronic fusion supersedes fossil fuels, oil would be removed as the real fuel of the decades-long tension and wars in the Middle East.

    There is a risk that aneutronic fusion will take much longer than we think, despite recent encouraging advances. But the risks of war are far greater than the risks of trying to eliminate the causes of war. And the potential rewards — both for peace and for the development of a cheap, clean energy source that can replace both fossil fuels and fission — are enormous.

    We call on all who want an escape from the dead-end of war, and all who want to see if there is another route to clean energy, to join together to make “Fusion for Peace” a reality.


    The White House “Fusion for Peace” petition won’t show up to general public visitors to their site until it gets an initial 150 signatures, you have to already know the link. So spread the love and share the link!


    Rezwan’s idea is superb! If the possibility of making a bomb were off the table, why would Iran still want to enrich uranium? It is not well known that that country’s supply of oil, a very poor grade, is in decline, and the means to generate electricity for a fairly large population will need to be developed. Building conventional reactors may seem the best way to fill the need, but the alternative of cheap and safe fusion power may raise a few eyebrows among the leadership in that country. It could certainly solve a number of problems.

    Persia, as it is properly called, is a proud nation with a long, rich history and a highly educated population. The fusion alternative could give any proponents the high ground to stand upon. The leaders of that country might relish an opportunity to make such a move.

    It must be said that not everyone would welcome a chance to defuse international tensions. Some individuals see gain in conflict and confrontation. They would need to be exposed, outflanked, and nutralized.

    This all can be done.


    Thanks! Although credit where it’s due. I’m all talk (for example, bringing up the Iran fusion angle when meeting Rep Frelinghuysen at Fusion Day), these guys are the action: Original signers: Eric Lerner, LPPhysics, NJ; Dr. Hamid Yousefi, I.A. University-Tehran; Dr. Morteza Habibi, Amirkabir U., Tehran

    tcg wrote:
    It must be said that not everyone would welcome a chance to defuse international tensions.

    De FUSE!


    And a big thank you to Derek Shannon for setting up the website and petition!


    Great idea, I’m spreading the word…I’m reminded that the Nixon (edit:,Carter) and Reagan administrations conducted exchanges (with the Soviet Union) on fusion technology for peaceful purposes.


    Tim Shaw had some great language for an email people can adopt:

    US and Iranian physicists have put together a petition calling for cooperation on peaceful clean energy research.

    The US technology could provide non-polluting, plentiful energy. It cannot be used to make bombs. Even though it is a form of fusion, neither the fuel nor the waste is radioactive. The fuel is boron (the ingredient in the old standby Borax cleaner) with normal non-radioactive hydrogen (as in H2O). It does not involve the high energy neutrons that turn reactors in nuclear plants into nuclear wastelands.

    It turns out that scientists in Iran have been pursuing this same technology as a way to get power without subjecting them to the sanctions involved with acquiring/enriching Uranium, since this technology does not use Uranium or any other bomb fuel. So why not encourage them to develop this technology, even develop it with them, as part of our effort to stop the spread of the dangerous Uranium technologies they are currently concentrating on? Let’s do this! If successful, we create a technology that they and other countries can use for cheap power that has no Uranium link to weapons of mass destruction, so it not only could lead to avoiding a war with Iran, but wars over WMD with other countries as well. And it’s also a total win for the environment.

    If you want to prevent unnecessary wars and save the environment, please sign the petition at the following link:

    To sign this petition, if you don’t already have an account, just click on “Create An Account” in the above link. It took me less than 2 minutes to create mine. After clicking on “Create An Account”, I just put in my first name, last initial, e-mail, and the security text, clicked the button at the bottom to create it, and within a minute received a confirmation e-mail. I followed the link in the e-mail, and it took me right back to the petition, where I clicked on the Sign button and it was done. Less than two minutes to help save the world!

    If you not only want to help save the world, but want to get your friends in on the action, please do not hesitate to forward this e-mail!



    I added some social modules for Twitter/Facebook to in anticipation of first real media coverage–Whaday’all think? Unfortunately now there is a security warning due to the embedded external social content….peace is hard!!


    Excellent! You are amazing!

    I don’t get the security warning.


    It should be nicer now–Fewer boxes within boxes and moved below the initial “I support Fusion for Peace.” Plus we got a very nice comment from MIT on the FB side, so I was then able to delete my silly example comment.


    Great newsletter, Derek!

    My favorite comment: “Going to war for energy is like burning down your house for heat.” by AC. Where are those comments to be found online?

    And who is AC – does AC have a twitter account?


    Rezwan wrote: Great newsletter, Derek!

    My favorite comment: “Going to war for energy is like burning down your house for heat.” by AC. Where are those comments to be found online?

    And who is AC – does AC have a twitter account?

    Anonymous Coward perhaps?


    Adam Chase, I anonymized those quotes at first in case anyone had privacy concerns, but since no one did they are all up at the link from FusionForPeace.

    My fave, from Mehrzad Zangeneh:

    “This is such a great idea. As an Iranian American, who is proud of both sides of me, I fully support this joint venture. I truly believe, If [Iran] and America slowly built their trust in each other, they will find so much in common as the people of both nations are proud, highly motivated for advancement, and have smart minds. If these two nations team up, and set aside their difference, human kind will advance at a much faster rate. These two proud nations are like two brothers or sisters, that need to re evaluate their relationship and see the ultimate benefits of man kind in their good relationship. Peace through love is everlasting and needs no gaurdians. Where as a so called Peace through force and threats is always in danger of breaking into a war. Best wishes for this proposal to happen. God bless.”


    I got a little confused as to what to sign. There are two places to sign (for those who might be wondering). One is at the Fusion For Peace website, where you can also leave comments. The other is the White House petition.

    I noticed the entry by Sterling D. Allen from the Free Energy News website signed. I first found out about Focus Fusion through that site. The Focus Fusion description listing could maybe use a little updating, though there is a link to the latest news further down on their page.:)

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