The Focus Fusion Society Forums Research Free Energy with Seesaw system

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    In this sketch you will find that I have attached 10 shake flashlights on the both side of a balanced seesaw system and this seesaw is moving with 3 to 6 volt toy motor but I have used 10 no. shake flashlights and each flashlight will produce only 2 volt as a output which will be less than input . On the first hand each flashlight is producing only 2 volt and on the second hand the total 10 no. flashlights systems are producing 20 volt . If we try this concept than input is more than output but if we add total output then it is greater than input.

    please answer me that will these flashlights will be light up or not as mass is not an issue in this device.
    Note(1)each flashlight is separate with another flashlight .
    (2)to move a balanced seesaw there is need of less energy or input.
    I want to tell you that if these total flashlight glows then output is more than input .
    suppose we are using only 3 to 6 volt motor to press the seesaw system and I have attached a crankshaft with seesaw system and a motor to convert motor’s rotatory motion in to linear motion .Now motor is pressing the seesaw system and due to this, flashlights are also shaking but we are using only 3 volt as a input to light up these 20 no. flashlights (also include another arm of seesaw ).
    for an example I have used 10 no. coil+ magnet and each coil+ magnet system will produce only 2 volt as a output ,which will be less than input and on the first hand each magnet+ coil system is producing only 2 volt and on the second hand the total 10 no. magnet+ coil systems are producing 20 volt . If we try this concept than input is more than output but if we add total output then it is greater than input.

    Further more if I connect a motor with exhaust fan with each coil+magnet then these total 10 no. fan will work to pass the air through a blow pipe and this exhaust air will work to run a 10 volt motor again .In this way can we get more output than input.

    In this case as far as I think I’m not violating any thermodynamics laws as we are getting less output than input with each coil+magnet system. But total 10 no. magnet +coil systems are producing 10 volt as a output and no reverse magnetism work in this system also due to more input than output. we are using only a 3 volt toy motor and this motor will run only with AA size battery.suppose one flash light is generating 1.5 volt and 1 amp so the electricity will be or power will be using P=VI(1.5*1=1.5 watt) and we can generate 1.5 watt power with each flashlight but I have attached 10 or 20 or 30 flash lights on the seesaw system and this seesaw is moving or turning with the help of only 2 to 4 no. AA size battery.If we are getting 1.5 watt with each flashlight then can we use this current to run a 1.5 watt motor and in this way can we run or move attached no. fans which are 10 ,20 or 30 or more and again gathering the exhaust of these total fans through a blower to run a powerful turbine than a 3 volt toy motor.

    Note(1) the total exhaust gathered from these fans can easily run a small wind turbine which output will be greater than 3 or 4 AA size batteries.There is very very less friction and above all mass is not an issue so no inertia problem in this device .

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