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  • #1004

    Diamond switches will be expensive to develop. Can we bypass them for a while by using two or more capacitor banks to store the energy released from the DPF? One bank would fire the DPF and the second bank would capture the energy.


    Francisl wrote: Diamond switches will be expensive to develop. Can we bypass them for a while by using two or more capacitor banks to store the energy released from the DPF? One bank would fire the DPF and the second bank would capture the energy.

    The design already calls for separate input and output cap banks and even more high-speed, high-power switching. Darren Snider posted this link on!/permalink.php?story_fbid=158594220845040&id=205597630257 that looks like a company has a series-parallel IGBT (array of solid-state switching elements) which should be be further scalable to our projected operating voltage range.

    Brian H

    Looks rather large; how would it physically integrate?
    If it’s being developed for the Naval Weapons system, seems like it wouldn’t exactly be made publicly available.
    And the speed is described as “sub-microsecond”, which is one or two orders of magnitude slow, isn’t it?

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