The Focus Fusion Society Forums Aneutronic Contenders 1MW fusion generator – 'the size of a rice cooker'

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  • #1290
    Matt M

    From the article:

    Most fusion organizations are pursuing big, capital-intensive tokamaks and other reactors. But one interviewee, in a face-to-face conversation in an exotic location abroad, told us of a small company he’s involved with that he claims has built a working 1MW fusion reactor the size of a rice cooker (though it’s dubious that approximation includes the requisite shielding, cooling, turbines, etc.) The company is now apparently in the process of building a 10MW version that it plans to trial in 2012.

    Are they referencing the Rossi LENR project? Or, is somebody sitting on a breakthrough?


    For only $1,295, you can read his report that will (apparently) tell you more about the rice cooker fusion machine and the company behind it. For some reason, I’m a bit skeptical of the second-hand report of the unseen and unconfirmed device.


    A thousand bucks for the hearsay of an unnamed source? Yeah, right…

    That said, it does kinda sound like Rossi, which rings even more alarm bells.

    Matt M

    More information at

    It sounds more fantastic than believeable. But who knows? Maybe
    Philo Farnsworth was re-incarnated?’s-e-cat/

    Ivy Matt

    Any ideas about what this might possibly mean?:

    But this company’s fusion reaction, fueled by deuterium and tritium, isn’t nearly as high temperature, our source claims, and is more “rooted in nature.” Specifically, the reaction is said not to require the high temperature, high pressure or accelerated particles of others’ approaches. “The key is not how many neutron hits you generate, but how you sustain them, how well you can control them.”

    In some ways it reminds me of Star Scientific Limited, which is researching muon-catalyzed fusion. They’ve been generating some buzz recently due to some YouTube videos and their chairman’s blog, but have been pretty close-mouthed about any specific breakthroughs they might have made.

    Whoever they are, they claim to be generating a megawatt of power from 40 watts of input power. That’s scientific breakeven at least, even if they aren’t generating electricity yet, but I’d like some assurance this is not another Huemul or ZETA before I congratulate them.


    Ivy Matt wrote: they claim to be generating a megawatt of power from 40 watts of input power. That’s scientific breakeven at least

    Only if that 40 watts includes the power necessary to produce the muons, which (as I understand it), would entail a major and fundamental breakthrough in physics.

    In other words, I’m extremely dubious.


    Maybe it’s 40 Watts over 17 years.

    Brian H

    Reminds me: didn’t the North Koreans announce a year or so ago they had mastered fusion and were about to become a scientific-industrial superpower? With pictures and everything!

    Ivy Matt

    Hm, I don’t remember any pictures. At least, not of the alleged reactor.

    Brian H

    Ivy Matt wrote: Hm, I don’t remember any pictures. At least, not of the alleged reactor.

    I’m probably remembering “artist’s conception” or SLT. IAC, NK is still in full black-out mode at night in satellite pix, I think!
    ↑ was supposed to be a smiley. But I’m not getting any images in the popup or in messages. RU?

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