Energy dependency – or better known as nations’ need to be politically aligned with countries rich in coal and oil reserves – is one of the most destabilizing factors in the world today. The Middle East and Russia are major contributors to fossil fuel requirements globally and any human rights issues, or political regime doubts have to come second to our need for their resources.

There is a considerable weight of opinion to support the belief that the Iraq Conflict, and possibly the Afghanistan Conflict, were fought because of vital supplies of oil. Certainly one of the enduring images in history from the time of the first Gulf Conflict was the burning oil fields in Kuwait after Saddam Hussain invaded and then torched a whole area of the country before retreating into Iraq. Such is the wealth surrounding oil that Saudi Arabia continues to be a staunch ally of Western nations despite an abysmal human rights record.

Russia’s coal fields and gas supply also continues to keep Russia on the world stage. Russia’s economic influence is marginal, and Putin should only be a bit player in the world. However, his hand is severely increased because a large number of countries rely on the energy that comes out of Russian fields. So, if you ever wondered why Russia could go largely unchallenged when invading Ukraine, you need only look at the rich list of natural resources the country boasts.

Reliance on neutron-based power also makes nuclear weapon proliferation more likely. The leap between nuclear power and weaponized uranium is sometimes difficult to discern. Large convoys of nuclear waste are often transported around the world, and the seizure of such material is a constant threat to global security. To prevent entirely the expansion of nuclear arsenal and the constant threat of MAD, a switch to energy that does not need neutron-based fuel is essential. Not only that but fusion power is thought capable of being used in laser-based technology or a railgun that would make missiles redundant.